All the rain we have had has made the grass in my yard go absolutely crazy. So yard work it is. It hasn't been very long since the last cutting. At this time of year I usually can go a month or more without cutting. The last time I waited way too long. I could have baled hay in the backyard when I was done. It was the first time my 16 hp mower bogged down. I leave it a little longer in the summer, it survives the heat better when it is longer than keeping it shorter. The shorter grass just burns up with this heat.
I am really looking forward to the college football season this year. I have every year and the last few have been very disappointing. My team has a new up and coming coach and I expect great things.
But that was the story for the last three also and I was very disappointed then. So I am trying to temper my expectations, which is hard to do when your team is traditionally a national power. I will actually attend a game this year. First in a long time. Son #1 has season tickets and has an extra. He has tried to get me to go in the past and I always opted out for various reasons. He convinced me to try it one more time.
Son #1 and I have attended many games there over the years. I introduced him to live college football when he was about 10 year old. That first game we went to, he was a bit uneasy before we went. None of his friends were fans of our Team. They were all fans of the Texas Aggies. This was back when they had a string of wins against Texas. With those wins the casual fans took up the bandwagon of the aggies. He finally asked me, 'will there be any other Texas fans at the game?' He hadn't come across any Texas fans anywhere else but me and some family. So he was a bit intimidated at what he might encounter. Of course I assured him, there would be more Texas fans than he had ever seen and there would be very few of the bad guys. This was back when he believed I knew all. I miss those days.
I ruined him as far as watching live college football. We used tickets my Aunt and Uncle would send us that they couldn't use. They were huge UT supporters and had been forever. So we would make 1-3 games a year for several years, since they lived in Denver, they couldn't make every game like they used too. Oh yeah, 50 yard line seats up high enough to see everything and not to far away. They were the perfect seats. How can it get any better? See, he is ruined.
We sat next to their friends that were at every game and they got to where they looked for us. To a football fan, there is nothing better than live football, and that atmosphere at a place like Memorial Stadium was unbelievable. It was a special time with my Son I still cherish. So I am looking forward to this game, hoping to bring back some great memories and spend a little time with that boy I don't spend as much time with anymore.
Happy Trails