Friday, March 3, 2017

Thursday Surprise

Thursday we had tentative plans to have lunch with my parents.  They like to do that for our birthdays and since mine was Monday....  However Mom has not felt well for the past week so there was a chance we might not go.  As it turns out, she still is not up to her old self.  

About that time Son #1 texted me about my plans for the day, very unusual.  They got a new car and wanted to show it to us, especially since it is the same one Kim wants.  A Ford Explorer.  So new plans were made.  It left me enough time to run an errand over the to place I get my garden mix of soil.  

It's a small load, about 1/2 cubic yard.  All my truck will hold since it is so small.  Still just enough to rejuvenate the garden and various flower beds/pots.  It wore me out spreading all that by hand.  It will get finished Friday.  

I almost got finished before the kids got here but not quite.  They brought lunch from Whataburger too, what a deal!  Then they gave me a gift card for my Bday too.  So they managed to really make my day.  They stayed about 2 hours then had to get home, Son#1 was expecting a work related phone call.  But I got a little help from the daughter in law unloading the rest of my soil, she loves that kind of work.  My kinda girl.  Son#1 did well choosing her.  I am a happy Granddad.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

That's good to hear! Glad you enjoyed the day.

Harry Flashman said...

You have to be flexible. I hardly ever wind up spending the day doing what I planned on when I got up.