Monday, January 4, 2016

Has It Really Come To This?

Yes, I'm afraid so.  PC has just gone absolutely nuts in this land.

I don't think my Grandkids even know what playing Cowboys and Indians is.  We played that ALL the time. 

Yup, that's me, the little one, circa 1956-7

Some of us even had recent relatives that were actually cowboys, maybe without the Indian threat, but they were real cowboys.  A lot of what we played was due to what we watched on TV.  There were a lot of cowboy shows back then and Saturday movies of Hoppalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers and a few others.  They were my favorites and a good Western is still my favorite type movie, although they have become few and far between.  I am looking forward to the new one coming out, 'The Revenant.'  May even go to the theater to see it before it comes out on DVD.

I am sure if one of those wack jobs that likes to ride herd over all of us actually saw someone playing Cowboys and Indians, they would start some campaign to get rid of children's toys related to that, or maybe even cows.  We used sticks if we didn't have the toy guns or even a baseball bat.  We used our imaginations and available resources.  Today?  Everyone has to have to latest and greatest electronic game or device.  I'm not against that as a form of play for kids, it has its good.  I think we have just let that become the babysitter instead of parenting the child as they should be.  Now that's a whole 'nother discussion.  I leave that for another time.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

CenTexTim said...

Livestock Management Technicians - gotta luv it!!! :-)