Saturday, September 12, 2015

Who Knew?

In 2013, the US military lifted its ban on women serving in combat. Shortly after, the Marine Corps began what it calls an “unprecedented research effort” to understand the impact of gender integration on its combat forces. That took the form of a year-long experiment called the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, in which 400 Marines—100 of them female—trained for combat together and then undertook a simulated deployment, with every facet of their experience measured and scrutinized.

All branches of the military are facing a January 1, 2016, deadline to open all combat roles to women. The Marine Corps is using this experiment to decide whether to request exceptions to that mandate. The Corps’ summary of the experiment, posted online today by NPR, concludes that combat teams were less effective when they included women.
The rest of the story is here.
Does this really surprise anyone?  I will venture to say that you won't hear about this in the regular news.  I doubt it even makes it into the regular military news sources.  I have no illusions that it won't be suppressed.  It just doesn't fit the narrative that the occupier in chief wants.
The lefties will either totally ignore this or use some faulty logic to show some sort of bias that the Marine Corp is probably guilty of.
Just NUTS.
Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

NOT a surprise to anyone that's actually been there...