Monday, September 28, 2015

She's Back

Kim made it back from Abilene just fine Sunday in the early afternoon.  Buster is happy now.  That first day she left he was pacing around and would whine occasionally.  Then when it started getting dark he goes over and lays by the window, just watching for her.  It's not like she doesn't go away for several hours during a regular week.  He should be used to her absences.  This was different and he could sense it somehow.  It is amazing how perceptive dogs are.  If you're close with your dog and tuned in to each other it's really amazing how much you can pick up from them and they from you.

When we go out for just even 30 minutes or so, we get greeted by him like we just got back from Afghanistan.  I'm sure you've seen the videos of dogs greeting their long gone soldiers back home.  That is Buster every time we come home no matter how long.

This trip for Kim certainly was different when she came home.  I was in my office expecting her at any moment.  Buster was laying between me and where she would come in.  So I would be alerted to when she drove up and I could help with her bag when she got here.  Next thing I know she is walking into my office asking me where Buster was.  Where indeed.  She had managed to get in change clothes and come from one end of the house to the other and no Buster.  He was in our bedroom, no idea how she got by him.  But he finally realized she was here and then he did his 'I'm so happy to see you' routine, even though it was a of a bit delayed reaction.   Silly dog.  One of us needs to be able to hear better than the other so we don't get snuck up on.

Monday starts with the moving of furniture to get ready for the flooring in our bedroom.  Which means I will have to probably sleep in some unusual place.  It takes way to much work to take down and move our bed for me to set it up to use in the interim.  Hopefully we will be laying flooring sometime once I have recovered from the furniture moving.  I would like to start sometime Monday but realistic it will be Tuesday.  One day should be enough, if my bones can hold up.

If I disappear for a day or two you know I will be recovering.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Interesting that she 'snuck' in... And good luck with that floor!