Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Where has the country gone that I once loved with all my heart?  I certainly don't recognize it any more.  It has been overrun by the leftists, immoral, PC crowd.  How did we go so far 'wrong' in such a short time?  This isn't a new phenomena.  This has been decades in the making.  We are our own worst enemy.  Those of us that feel everything sacred to us is under assault, are as much to blame as those that assault us.  We have allowed this to happen.  We gradually accepted the 'go along to get along' mantra while they gloated as their small victories piled up.  Their small victories have become a giant snowball.

We are now at the point that we have our own Taliban in this country, the American Taliban.  I don't mean to belittle in any way our servicemen that fought the Taliban.  I know they are not the same but the principle is.  I also did not coin that term, I read it over at American Spectator.  They continually assault everything that they disagree with regardless of whether it's what we believe is right and moral, (or small an issue, i.e. the Confederate Battle Flag.)  We are now paying the price for our lack of vigilance and apathy.  It will get worse before it gets better.  Many are already at the threshold of their patience.  Is there enough courage to make a final stand against this onslaught?  Will we compromise even more? Will those that haven't yet compromised their principles eventually give way? 

I don't believe that those that think like I do are in the minority yet, but what will it take to make the silent take action?  We have traditionally taken the 'high road' and look what it has gotten us.  I often wonder, 'do I have what it takes' to stand up like all those that came before that sacrificed so much, my ancestors, yours?  Is that American heart now so soft and intimidated by those from within that we can't rise up as a nation, guided by truth and righteousness?

I don't have the answers, much smarter folks than me haven't been able to answer those questions either.

I truly believe it will get much worse before it turns around, if ever.  There is an ethnic cleansing currently going on in this country, especially if you are a Christian, and/or white male Southern conservative.  Just as the Taliban in Afghanistan, the American Taliban is assaulting daily, every cultural item, thought, belief and person they disagree with.  Not only is victory their goal but stamping out their opposition entirely, and humiliation.  Humiliation for the perceived sins of those they oppose whether it is true or not.  They have no problem telling a lie to gain a victory.

I am tired of all this, but that is what they hope happens, to wear us down.  I must always remember this. 

I try to not get too political here, as this is not what I created this blog for.  But I sometimes get off track.  This is too important to me and my family and our beliefs and principles for me to keep my mouth shut.  It is only one small way for me to make my stand.

Never surrender, never retreat, no regrets.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Amen to that... Never give up!