Monday, May 18, 2015


Heard a great lesson at church about wearing the whole armor of God and being at war.  Not war in the traditional shoot 'em up way, but a war against evil.  I believe we are in a more serious situation with the world seeming to be more full of evil than at any time in my lifetime.  I could fill this page for the rest of my life and not cover all the evils present in the world.  Most everyone is aware of the many threats that we face as a country.  I tend to be more concerned about the evil that assaults  the traditional family, as a Christian.  At every turn there are any number of groups or individuals that are challenging and trying to change the way things have been accepted by traditional morality by telling their lies.  It seems to be working.  I have always believed that if you tell a lie long enough, people begin to believe it.  That is exactly what is happening with the assault on Christians and our traditional family values.  Most of these type folks will just try to shout you down if you try to engage them in a discourse of some sort.  At points they almost become uncivilized in their behavior.  They get louder and more strident as a tactic to intimidate in order to cover their lies.

It is difficult to combat this type mindset, and they also have the media on their side trumpeting their causes, belittling those that disagree and calling them intolerant.  A word that has been the 'catch word' of the PC crowd, a word I have come to despise.  Just how do we combat that type mindset?  Of course this is all speaking in general terms, and every situation will differ.  But I firmly believe that if you know the truth and you are committed to keeping the truth, you have not lost the war, or even the battle.  Things that are evil didn't stop being evil over night or ever.  Evil is always evil and truth is always truth.  We must be prepared to do battle with evil, if not, it will over take us like we have seen it do and is doing in our country and the rest of the world.

Watch your six.  

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