Friday, March 27, 2015

Remember Goliad!

 March 27, 1836. Palm Sunday.  When General Jose Lopez de Santa Ana discovered the Texians that surrendered on March 20  were not executed on the spot as per a recently passed law declaring all foreigners taken under arms were to be declared pirates and executed, he ordered their execution immediately. This despite pleas for them to be treated as prisoners of war.

On this day his wishes were finally carried out.  The Texians were marched out onto the prairie several miles outside of Goliad.  They were unaware of what was about to take place.  The Mexican troops stopped the column for a 'break.'   While the Texians milled about while the Mexican troops gathered and began firing upon the defenseless Texians.  Several escaped the massacre yet most were killed immediately or if wounded dispatched accordingly.  James Fannin was executed by firing squad.

'Remember Goliad!' was to become a rallying cry along with 'Remember the Alamo!' that would soon be heard around the world.

The Runaway Scrape continued, many of those citizens were paying a heavy price with sickness and even death trying escape the advancing Mexican Army.  General Sam Houston and his army was all that was left to stand between Texian citizens and the barbaric Santa Ana.

Remember Goliad! Remember the Alamo!


Old NFO said...

A truly sad day, but it DID rally the Texans!

Terry and Linda said...

Very well written. Truly a sad, sad day.


CenTexTim said...

Goliad always seems to get overlooked.

Good post.