Friday, December 26, 2014


Our plans for Christmas Eve got changed.  There is a nasty flu bug going around that doesn't take long to incubate.  It is also a strain that the preventive flu shot doesn't cover.

My Granddaughter started with a low fever.  The people she lives with took her to the quick clinic to get her checked out.  Sure enough she tested positive for the flu.  I would guess it will go through her whole household before it's over.  Consequently my youngest son was the only one able to make it over.  He was suffering from some sort of allergy.  He and Kim both are allergic to cedar pollen and it is extremely high right now and we live right in the middle of cedar central.  They really aren't cedar trees they are a type of juniper everyone calls cedar.  They will get a dirty brown color with all the pollen and will look like they are on fire (or at least smoking) when the wind blows the pollen off.

I also have come down with what I think is a cold or something.  I have a rare fever of 101.  What I mean by rare is I rarely ever get a fever.  Now my son that did come over was exposed to whatever I have and he wasn't feeling very well either, not to mention my bride.  Just what she needs on top of cedar fever.  Pretty sure it isn't the flu as I don't feel as bad as that would be I'm thinking.

We did chow down on some pulled pork and all the trimmings anyway.  Lots of leftovers that will last a few days.

And beans from a blogger in Colorado, thanks Ms. Linda

So this was a very quiet and subdued Christmas Eve and Christmas day was more of the same.  I doubt we will ever leave the inside of the house.  Thought about at least trying to meet my parents for lunch in town but didn't happen either, just not feeling all that great. 

All this is just a minor annoyance.   We have to many things we are and should be thankful for this year to let any of this get us down.  It definitely could be worse.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Sorry to hear that, but on the bright side there IS leftovers!!! :-)

Randy said...


Terry and Linda said...

Glad you like the beans!

Merry Christmas!
