Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Had a dream about having the surgery I am scheduled for.  I was calm all during the pre-op stuff.  They had me sedated but not enough to knock me out, just enough to keep my calm.  At least until I saw a guy with a 2 foot long syringe trying to pump a white powdery substance into me with the help of another.  They were struggling to get it into me and were really working that syringe back and forth.  I woke up about that time.  Just thought it was weird but then started thinking in a way I knew wouldn't be conducive to returning to sleep so I got up earlier than I wanted to.  First real indication that I may be more nervous about this than I have let myself believe.

My dog is an Aussie (Australian Shepherd).  If you are familiar with these dogs you know they are a long haired breed.  They. Never. Stop. Shedding.  It's just worse at one time or another.  You have to vacuum constantly if they are an 'inside' dog.  We do try to maintain his coat with brushing, but there are periods of time we get busy and forget for a couple weeks.  He should be brushed daily but it never happens consistently.  He likes being brushed.  Due to all the flying fuzz while brushing we always do it outside.  Being outside also tends to distract him from the task at hand so it can be a challenge to get him to stay still to get the entire job done.  Kim and I try to sit outside in the mornings and enjoy our coffee and small talk.  Being a velcro dog he sticks pretty close to us.  This morning Kim tried to entice him into some brushing while we were out there.  For once he stayed still long enough to get a pretty thorough brushing.  It is always amazing how much fur we got off of him.  Regardless of how often we brush him, we always seem to get enough fur off to make a whole 'nother dog.  This will go over the back fence, the birds pick it up and carry it off, presumably for nests.

Headed into town today for much needed groceries.  Been a couple weeks since we were there last and we were out of quite a few things, like food.  This was an expensive trip and we tried avoid the meat counter.  Hard to believe how expensive meat has gotten.  We buy only the cheapest cuts and very little of that. 

 Remember this:

Yeah, it's gotten worse and we now have crack creep.  One crack has proceeded up to the middle of the windshield.  Irritating to say the least.  It will probably get replaced next month. 

Things could always be worse, Happy Trails.


Terry and Linda said...

Fear is a powerful thing...please replace it with as much peace as you possibly can and visualize a perfect outcome. PRAYERS for you!


Randy said...

Thanks Ms. Linda, I try my best and am mostly successful.

Old NFO said...

Had a roomie with an Aussie... Never DID figure out how dog hair got into the TOP of the closet... sigh

Randy said...

LOL I'm sure of that. We find it in everything and everywhere. But a small price to pay for such fabulous dogs.