Monday, September 25, 2023

Hot Still

This comes a little later than I intended to post this morning.  I took my sweetie out for tacos/breakfast this morning.  I get tacos she gets a full Mexican breakfast plate of which may vary with her.  Chiliquiles this morning.  It was pretty great so that will always take precedence.

I see that other parts of the country are getting some Autumn weather.  All we are getting is Hotumn.  But 98/99 is better than the 102/105, until it gets as humid as it has been the last few weeks.  Apparently there were stroms in the area last night.  We got a lot of lightning and barely any rain sadly.  The cloud cover is hanging tough and should keep temps down but it is so very humid, about 80%.  That road trip we are planning is getting closer and it will definately be cooler there.  It can't  come soon enough.  Sadly this will take the place of our Bluegrass Festival trip we like to go to.  Some really great stars that we will be sad to miss.  But hope to have an even greater time with family.

'K' has headed out to get the Granddaughter to stay a couple nights.  She will leave early as 'K' has a couple Doctor appointments she needs to get completed.  

Sadly another one of my coworkers passed away Sunday morning.  Lost his battle with cancer.  I had just found out a week earlier he was having these issues.  There have been several over the last couple years that came as a surprise.  But this one hits harder.  I had a lot of respect for him.  I was trying to count up the number that have passed since I worked with that particular group.  11 that I know of out of the original 21+/-.  Most of us were all within a couple years of age except the bosses and secretary.  Only one of the original supervisors still survive and he is not well.  Most of the  others passed fairly early in years.  More than should have.  Not being in touch with them, these things come as a surprise most times.  I do have one or two that will let me know about things like that.  Or an email will go out from the retirees group.  Fortunately I have good memories of this one.  

Happy Trails

Monday, September 18, 2023

Weather Gets Cooler-Only the 90's

Finally a turn in the weather.  The relentless scorching heat seems to be gone finally.  We have a had a couple days in the low 90's but the humidity has risen considerably due to rain in and around the area.  It just misses us every time so far.  But we hold out hope since there is still a chance.  

Mom's doctor did give her some meds to help prevent any more mental decline.  But as we feared, what's lost is lost.  Can't be fixed.  The meds she got are somewhat complicated to take for the first month.  They have a color coded package that should make it easier.  But she confuses days now to.  So I have bought her a didgital calendar that has the day prominently displayed.  She got new glasses and those are now a problem and she calls continuously about them.  It is an involved subject as most things are with her.  For such a simple life she has the complaints have increased exponnentially.  Things come out of her mouth now that most polite folks would never say in public.  Nothing vulgar yet but mostly critical of others.  Although she has said sh-t while talking to 'K'.  She has never used foul language before.  It seems to be something that is increasing.  She would be horrified if she was aware. Fortunately she doesn't get out much.  We did check with the assisted living section and memory care area of her facility.  They were very helpful and like I had thought she is not at that level care yet.  She is healthy as anyone at 91 years old could be.  So she wouldn't be approved for a move, even though she wants to.  They have no room anyway.  And they are even more expensive, prohibitive in fact.  So that is something on the horizen that will have to be dealt with.

I met with my doctor again regading the issues I have with my cervical spine and left arm and shoulder.  He is refering me to a Pain Management doctor.  He tells me we will try injections to help alleviate the pain and is getting me an anti inflamatory  that should help some.  He says it is sort of a trial and error with how effective the injections are.  We will have to wait and see.  The next step is neurosurgery.  I will do all I can to avoid that.  

Happy Trails

Monday, September 4, 2023

Dentist Again and Mom Doctor Visit

Not a lot going on for the last week and have nothing of signifcance for this week.  I do have an appointment with the Dentist Wednesday.  I have had a couple teeth that have had the enamel just fall off.  Not chewing anything hard so not real sure what happened.  One will get bonding and the other two some minor grinding.  The Xrays did not reveal the crack I am sure I have so we wait until it gets worse it appears.  Just like the last one that became so painful.  

My Mother has an appointment with the doctor Wednesday also.  She has suddenly agreed to see him about her memory.  Every appointment has been about her memory but she doesn\t remember that.  The sudden interest is due to a long time friend that has been visiting her and asked her why she wasn't on a particular medication.  Of course she had no idea why she wasn't.  She has refused to take the MRI that would determine the course to take.  Now she is all about taking it because she got this suddenly new information from a trusted friend instead of her own children.  And that's the key I think.  We are just her childrenm what do we know.  Frustrating to say the least but we are taking advantage of it and preparing her for the visit and that an MRI will  be required.  She says that it won't be a problem.  She has no memory of all the trouble she gave us about taking the MRI it first time around.  IF there is a long enough wait between the doctor visit and the MRI she may change her mind again.  The friend is frustrated with us as she thinks we didn't know about this medication or were just not giving it to her or  seeking help.  We explained to her what has happened in the past but it seems to make not make it in to her brain either.  She got involved with my Mother's dog problems we have addressed in the past because she wants to help but only hears Mom's side.  I appreciate her concern and only wants the best for her but she needs to learn to listen to us and understand she doesn't get the full story from Mom.  We realize she only hears the very emotional side of Mom.  Yes, we know it's none of her business but we try to be kind to others.  But there may come a point.  

Happy Trails