Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Repairs and Tired of Winter

This week started with a few things that I need to fix.  The light fixture in the kitchen went out last night.  I am guessing the ballast needs to be replaced.  It is very dark in there and has little to no natural lighting.  Can't put that off, it makes it hard to make coffee when you can't see what you are doing.  I also have a ballast in the garage that I will replace at the same time.  So a quick trip to Home Depot is on the schedule.

We have been putting up with a leaky washing machine for several months.  Last night the electronics cratered also.  We have been trying to find a good used one at a low cost.  I see them all the time for sale very cheap when people move.  They try to get rid of things like that instead of moving it.  Hadn't been successful, but the wife talked to one of my cousins and she has one that is nearly brand new she had in a rental property not being used at all.  So I am trying to set up help and coordinate getting it picked up in town, way on the other side.  Since we will have to move the current washer & dryer to get the new washer in, we may paint the wash room while we have the room to do so.  So I am going to be busy the next few days.  I am sure I will need to schedule a trip to see the new Granddaughter too sometime this week.

Finally got my 'letter' from SSI telling me the actual amount I will receive.  It's about what I expected.  It won't get here until late March, smh.  Glad it's coming finally, we have bills coming due sooner than it will get here unfortunately.  I wish their website had been more clear about the time frame.  Not anything I can do about it.

It's been wet, soggy and cold here the last week +.  It was really becoming a drag.  Today dawned bright and clear but windy and cold.  We haven't had much severely cold weather this year, only having a couple freezes, but the temps seem to be very low more than usual.  Needless to say I am done with winter.  I have a ton of things waiting for warmer weather possibly painting the outside of the entire house.  If we do that I have some siding I need to get replaced first.  The siding that needs to be replaced is around a window that is pretty much useless so we are considering removing the window with the painting.  Not to mention the huge amount of yard work I need to do every Spring.  This year there will be even more.  I am already tired, but it's off to Home Depot as soon as K gets herself ready.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

At least you're not having to buy new. I usually try to find the scratch and dent sales, the only thing wrong is cosmetic issues, not affecting the actual operation of the (insert object here)... :-) And spring WILL get here... I hope.