Monday, July 23, 2018

It's Hot

We are in the midst of a heat wave.  It's not unusual at all, but they do have excessive heat warnings in the area.  They have said that it is possible to break our all time high for San Antonio.  Now that IS unusual.  The all time high is 111*.  Not as hot as some places but it's still hot.  I actually though our high was 113* but I assume they are right.  Of course this it the 'official' readings at the airport.  We generally never get as hot at my house as the rest of the city.  Although there was one year during our 3 year drought that I got a reading of 113*.  That may be why I have a discrepancy in my memory of the official record.

Son#1 and his family along with another family are in one of my favorite places of all in Colorado.  I won't mention the name as I don't want it to change more than it has since we discovered it back in 1990.  In all that time it has grown but still keeps it's small town charm.  This it probably the only place in the world that would really tempt me to leave my Native Texas.  As beautiful as it is and as much as I love it, the cold would not be welcome at all.  I don't do well at all in the cold and they have much more than I could tolerate.  Not to mention, that ALL my family lives here.  And my heart is here, in Texas.  

I kept hinting to Son#1 about really wish I could go but he wasn't taking the bait.  I got the distinct impression he didn't want us along.  It was all in good fun though.  We really aren't ready at this time for various reason to go on a long, or short for that matter, vacation.  Hopefully that will change in the next year or two.  This part of Colorado will be high on the list of places to head to then.

In the meantime, we are trying to stay in the AC and away from this bad heat.  It has all but killed half my tomato plants.  These are heat resistant plants, or so they said.  My usuals are doing better than those.  I'm just trying to nurse them through to my next day for watering and then hopefully to Fall for a few more tomatoes.  But I will consider new plantings late next month and some onions.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Heh... Heat resistant, but not TEXAS heat resistant... We've had 114 up here already this year, and a week of over 110. And yes, it's @#%# HOT!

Randy said...

wow, that's really hot. I hate to complain about it, especially after visiting Arizona last year, they are much hotter than what we complain about.