Tuesday is my biannual check up with the Urologist to get the results of my blood work. This will be 3.5 years since the removal of my cancerous prostate. I don't anticipate any changes but you never know. I had a long conversation with an old high school friend last night. While catching up, he brought up another old friends name. I was aware he had passed on from the same issue, prostate cancer. Yet he gave me more details I wasn't aware of. He also had surgery to remove his prostate. All was going well. However, his cancer returned, and with a vengeance it seems. They had been in contact over a couple weeks and in that time he passed. That's the scary part about this cancer. If it comes back, it's incurable. When this metastasizes it goes into your bones. There is no cure for that. It is also very painful. It gave me pause to hear these details. I don't ever think much about the possibility of it's return. It doesn't do any good to worry about it. I still feel the same way, but there is a little doubt at times when these blood checks come up. This time, maybe a little more so since I heard this story. Am I afraid? No. I am a little anxious maybe. I don't really know how to describe what I feel when I think about this. I actually hadn't thought about it at all since our conversation, and then I write this and there are a some of those feeling present.
So why do this to myself? Well, I hope to reach others, so that they can benefit by my experience and get checked. So if you are a male and aren't getting a PSA test every year. I urge you to do so. You owe it to yourself and your family.
Shifting gears here. K is off to Son #2's home. They have been working on trying to paint inside to spruce up the place they live. His wife has headed to Phoenix (where she is from) for some training and also visit her family which she hasn't seen in quite a while. Her parents will be first time Grandparents when she delivers this coming February. So I am sure this will be a very exciting trip for them all. K is over there painting today to help speed things up. We don't want the daughter-in-law to be breathing any paint fumes so they are trying to get it done before she returns. Son#2 has to work so this should really help them out.
The other day one of my friends asked if I was still writing this blog. He had been introduced to podcasts or more likely vlogs recently. He was impressed with them and was thinking I should do that. The ones he was watching are all political views. He is really into that sort of news and sees this as a way to combat opposing views. He really thought this would be up my alley since we agree on most things political. Not even. I rarely ever watch news anymore, yes I read quite a bit, but I can pick and choose. He thought I should be commenting on various news stories from the regular news sources on TV etc. I avoid those for a reason. I don't need the anger/angst it causes me. There are so many others out there that do a much better job than me commenting about that. Plus, why would anyone want to listen to just one more old white man spew? I get enough labels added to me just for being, I am surely not going give anyone ammunition regardless of how asinine they may be. Libtards get me tight in the jaws anyway. I just don't need that aggravation, plus I don't think it good for opsec.
Happy Trails