Friday, January 13, 2017


I am sitting here waiting for the cable company to show up between 8 am and 9 am.  It is now 9:15 am and no sign of them.  Not even the usual phone call.  Our cable provider was Time Warner and they have sold out to Spectrum.  So I have been dealing with them off and on the last few days.  First was that the price of our service increased by 25$.  I got them to lower it to even lower than the previous price.  Are you kidding me?  Why not just give me that price to begin with instead of getting me all tight in the jaws and having to complain to two or three others before I get satisfaction.  

When they gave me the new price they also switched me over to the new coding they use.  That may a couple of the digital converters we had obsolete.  Consequently I had to travel in to town to get rid of that old equipment and get a new box.  Of course they couldn't get the stupid thing to work right out of the box.  They have to activate it over the phone for some unknown reason.  They couldn't get it to work.  The most annoying thing it dealing with Mujabur and her accent and the continual reading off a script instead of listening to what I was actually saying.  After about 30 minutes of this i finally gave up and told her good bye.

We were supposed to head to my parents house to help with some packing for their move.  Now I sit here waiting on this cable jack leg to show.  I wouldn't be surprised if they never show.  

As far as the parents moving, they have to be out by the 31st as my cousin has rented the house.  It has made my mother feel more pressure.  Since they are just moving across the street, she thinks this will be an easy move.  I beg to differ.  I think it will be much harder.  They will try to move things by carrying them across the street, 'since it's so close.'  They have already started and have made almost no headway.  They think they can rely on their housekeeper and a handyman to move most everything.  The housekeeper doesn't want to IMO and the handyman is a disabled  guy that is less than reliable.  They have already run into problems with this and they have just started.  This can get ugly.  It may kill my mother.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Sorry for all the negatives... I'd hire somebody to move them...