Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Countdown

As Christmas approaches the pressure is on to get everything done in time.  However, things seem to not get done, keeping us from moving forward to completing things in order to be ready.  We actually went and purchased a few gifts for the Grandkids.  That is something totally out of character for me.  If I do any shopping for gifts at all it is online.  I hate shopping in stores.  However, I wanted to look at particular gifts up close.  There is a small lake in our neighborhood that have many fish that need catching.  The Grandson says he would be interested in learning to fish with me.  So a couple of small fishing combos were in my sights.  We went a couple places actually and my least favorite place of all, Walmart, had what I was looking for.  We managed to find a couple other gifts before I was ready to get out of there.  It didn't take long.  We are still way behind this year more than usual as far as gifts.  We need to get moving soon.

Monday we attended a funeral for the sister of some dear friends at church.  One of the least 'sad' funerals I have ever attended.  I hope when I go mine will be similar.  There is enough sadness in the world.  I want happy.

While we were out I took the wife to a burger joint that is an institution in town.  She had never been and had mentioned it in the past.  It is in a location that is well out of our way, but since we were out I decided to surprise her.  She figured it out before we got there and then the food was less than what she expected.  Now she can cross that one off her list.  How often does something like that happen? you hear all these good things about someplace and you build it up and when you get there it is much less then what you expected.  It seems to happen to me all the time.  So she is happy to go to our regular chain burger place that we both think is better and spend much less.  

The Grandkids will be here for a couple days this week, and as usual I may post even less.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Glad you were able to find something! :-) Re the food, I've found that 'expectations' vs. reality are often significantly different... sigh

Harry Flashman said...

I haven't gone to a funeral since around 1993. I don't even own a suit and tie anymore.

Christmas can get busy, sure enough. I have been getting run ragged here, mostly with weather related issues. But my kids are coming for two weeks , getting here Christmas eve, and we are trying to get all squared away on that was well.

Sounds like you are keeping all the balls in the air though.