Monday, August 1, 2016

Are You Ready?

I have thought a long time about posting this.  In fact these thoughts are in my mind much of the time these days and have been for years but to a lesser degree.  However, I try to keep from telling 'things' mostly for privacy and there are some things that others have no need to know about.  I surely don't want to draw attention to myself from unwanted sources, individuals or a specific 'organization.'

I keep reading more and more about how concerned others are in regard to what is happening in our country.  Not only that, but in my limited contact with others it seems the conversations tend to go the same way.  Folks are scared of what they think is inevitable due to the direction our country, and the world for that matter, is heading.  They have no positive outlook at all, despite the imposter in the WH telling us things aren't as bad as everyone says they are.  Just the fact the he felt it necessary to address that should give concern.

From financial collapse, the Russians (tongue in cheek), wack jobs doing something even more crazy than already has happened, muslim treachery, electrical grid failure for whatever reason, to out right rebellion, that is what I hear/read.  No one has hope for their future.  These things come up in everyday conversation.  It's sobering to say the least.

Folks are starting to take measures to be ready for some or all of the above.  Folks that would never have thought about doing so before.  You can see results just by the runs we have had on ammunition and its lack of availability at times not to mention firearms.  Storing food, learning new skills of food preservation, food growing, medicinal foods etc.  the list just goes on and on.  There are plenty of websites that are dedicated to this sort of thing.

There are and have been TV shows dedicated to 'prepping.'  I never watched any, so can't really comment on what good they actually were if at all.  I have known a few, but they have done this for years and years.  It seemed to be part of their 'make-up,' I pretty much ignored it and them.  I never thought beyond that, other than to think, 'it takes all kinds.'  I surely didn't think bad of them and wished I had some of the impetus to get me going in that regard to a lesser degree.

We never really considered it a necessity to think that way ever, until 8 years ago.  Actually I take that back, it started even a bit earlier, during what we saw happening with the populace in NO during and after Katrina.  That was an eye opener me.  We certainly weren't prepared to defend ourselves properly if something like that happened here. 

Being this late in life it was a daunting task to think we were so far behind being prepared for some sort of disaster/event.  Not to mention the financial outlay necessary to get somewhat up to speed.  Then as things progress you learn more and more just how much you don't know about being self sufficient.  Physical and medical limitations also play a part in your confidence in being able to survive a major event.  We certainly have our limitations, I worry about my parents situation also. 

There are only so many things a person can control, and the sooner he realizes that the better it is for his state of mind.  Don't worry about those things you can't control, but stay vigilant, most of all keep your mind sharp and avoid the stress worry brings.  Stay locked and loaded.  

Most of all, Pray.


Harry Flashman said...

I've been a practitioner since 1986. We've worked hard at it. Yet there are still things I feel like I ought to do. I think it's a never ending process. The day never comes when you can stand back, fold your arms, and say "finished." The main thing is to be doing all you can. I've been reading your blog for awhile and I think you have it pretty much together. And I think your timing is very, very good.....

Randy said...

@Harry Flashman, thanks for the kind words. A never ending process is what I have gathered it is. It is tough to get up to speed (which most likely will never happen) without having the mindset that has trained itself in that manor.