Friday, February 12, 2016

Cancer Free-Update

Went back to the Urologist Thursday for blood work results and ask a few questions.  Didn't see the Urologist, I only saw an NP.  She wasn't real sure, or so I thought, about my questions but they weren't urgent.  The good news is there is still no sign of a return of cancer.  I am thankful for this good news.  I won't go back for 4 months for another check.  Then I think the checks move out to 6 months and then yearly, but it's just a guess and depends on results obviously.

One thing they did find is that I have too much blood.  This is a result of the hormone therapy.  I have to donate blood regularly again in order to keep the blood levels down.  Too much blood makes it hard on your heart.  It has to work harder to push it around and the blood is thick and sluggish.  There are alternatives that can prevent having this happen.  One is to stop the hormone replacement.  The other is have the hormones placed under the skin.  They are in the form of pellets.  No idea why that doesn't cause too much blood.  I will consider this route once we get to the point the Urologist feels comfortable going this route as opposed to the current method.  Injections I do myself twice a week.  If something shows up in my blood work he can have me stop the injections immediately if needed.  Can't do that with the pellets.

I still am dealing with some of the side effects of not having a prostate.  These also can be treated with various methods.  They have given me prescriptions for this issue, but the results are still negative.  These are commonly given for circulation issues.  I am sorry about being a bit vague, but I don't feel comfortable talking about this on an open forum.  So you will just have to  make your own best guess what I am talking about or go to Google University and find out.  Not sure when they will consider the other alternatives.  I do know that the hormone therapy might help, but it hasn't so far.  I believe it is a nerve problem since they mess with the major one during the surgery and it can be very reluctant to work if at all after this surgery.  They say maybe two years in the literature I have read.  I know it can be even longer.

All in all good news, and I can handle the other with out much issue.  So I can keep traveling down those.....Happy Trails

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