Thursday, December 3, 2015

One Year-Taking Stock

Yup, hard to believe it has already been one year since I had surgery to remove my rotten cancerous prostate.  I have tried to keep an optimistic attitude in the ensuing months and for the most part have been successful.  The notable failures have come from world events that I have no control over.  Consequently I try to pay less attention to what happens on the network news and in Washington.  That doesn't mean I bury my head in the least.  I just try to use filters on what and where I take my news.

Overall things for our household have been good to great.  Health issues are always there these days but for the most part things are good on that front too.  The diabetes is under better control and have continued to get good reports from the Urologist on the cancer front.  I will go today to have another blood draw for that.  Then on the 10th I see him again for the results and to discuss starting hormone therapy.  I go back and forth on that.  My PCP feels confident with it so I may try it out.  There are still a few issues from not having a prostate, but for the most part they are very manageable.  They don't really hinder me in day to day living.

I don't usually sit around and take stock of my previous conditions or situations.  But that has changed significantly this past year.  I do that more than I ever thought possible.  I am always thankful for good reports and the support I get from family and friends.  I must be doing pretty good in their eyes too as I don't get many questions anymore.  I am sure it must be hard to think someone may be or have had some serious health issues when you look as good as I do  :)  but you never know what someone may be going through or been through by looks alone.  This is especially true when you have a good countenance and are generally cheerful or happy.  I know a lot of folks like that.  I try to keep in mind their trials and the way they handle hard times.  It helps me be better at handling my own.  There are several that have taught me a lot over the years by the way they handled serious health issues and even approaching death.  I just try to remember that I don't want to be around someone that is all doom and gloom about their situation and try to apply that to myself.  I ask myself, 'self, how do I want to be remembered, do you want others to hate being around you?'  It helps me put others at ease and keeps my attitude positive.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be able to do that, have that 'peace that passes all understanding' without my Faith in the Lord.  I believe and trust what he has to say and that's enough for me.

All in all this has been a great year and I feel blessed in many ways.  Yes, there have been bumps in the road, just as you may have, but I always remember, it could be worse.

To those that have been coming by and offering their encouragement and humor, I also feel as though we are friends, and I appreciate that more than you know.  Thank you.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Glad you're still upbeat, and I've the past year of blogs have been a vicarious journey for all of us. Keep up the good thoughts, and please keep writing.

CenTexTim said...

I was talking with a friend yesterday. The weather was gorgeous, we are both retired, in relatively good health, and have a roof over our heads and food in the fridge. Like you said, things could be better, but they also could be a lot worse.

Glad you're doing well.