Monday, January 19, 2015


I really had the 'slows' Sunday.  No real energy and no desire to really do anything.  Even dozed in front of the TV instead of working leather or reading.  I was a real slacker. 

Kim went to a 'reveal' party, I just couldn't muster the energy.  I didn't know there was such a thing.  My niece is pregnant and they are having a party to reveal whether it is a boy or girl.  Really?  I know, I know, most everyone these days seems to find out the sex of the infant with the ultra sound thing.  I like the idea of waiting until the birth actually happens.   

Yes, I am old fashioned and never have been accused of being anything other than that.  I'm OK with that.  I mentioned to Kim how I could be happy living in a time like the 50's and be perfectly happy.  Of course my memory of that is from my childhood so it is obviously a view through the eyes of a child, but is that so bad?  It just seemed like a more innocent time.  Maybe innocent isn't the right word, but we didn't seem to have a lot of the ugly issues we have today, or at least they weren't spoken of in polite society.  Perverts were still perverts instead of 'alternative lifestyle,' evil was still evil even if it called itself a peaceful religion, and Christians weren't thought of as the enemy.  That's right, I'm not PC if you weren't aware before.

I still listen to 50's rock n roll, I don't let my underwear be seen in public, and I comb my hair when I get up, and don't wear pajamas as pants in public, SMH. 

I'm done now.

Happy Trails.


Old NFO said...

LOL, yesterday morning had to go get some OJ, saw a GUY in his pajamas and house shoes in the grocery store pushing his cart and mumbling something about grits... :-)

CenTexTim said...

"...I comb my hair when I get up..."

What?!? You still have hair?!? No fair...

When I get up I wash my forehead - and it takes longer and longer every day.

Randy said...

Now that really made me LOL.