I don't know how it is where you are, but over the last 2 weeks or so we have been getting warnings of the cloud of Saharan Desert dust that is headed our way. This is a yearly occurrence here. It comes right after the smoke from fires burning the landscape down in Mexico. This year I didn't smell any smoke or suffer the usual effects. However, they warnings for the impending dust cloud (Am I racist is I say African dust?) was that it was supposed to be worse this year. Well it rolled in sometime Friday evening. I didn't really see it as I stayed inside most of the day. But I started getting a scratchy throat and headache. Ever since then I have ventured out only to set out our can for trash collection and water my puny tomato and pepper plants plus several philodendrons that we cut out of and over grown pot and replanted. That's maybe three times. It seems to have paid off as the effects have lessened. They say the dust will begin to lessen some today, but just for the day. How do they know this stuff? Oh Yeah, science.
Saturday evening I got an emergency notification on my phone but the wife didn't. It seems the mayor of the rat hole south of us is panicking about the rise in cases of the China flu. Of course that set all the social media sites aflame with every type. Starting today I am getting off most all social media and avoid all the craziness. The mayor never lifted a finger about all the protests and gatherings of the sort 2-3 weeks ago but wanted the governor to give them authority to arrest and/or fine those that wouldn't wear a mask or social distance etc. I wonder how many of those that were near those gatherings are part of those numbers. They claim those catching the flu are now the age group of those that gathered. So they really aren't invincible. You should have seen the photos of the rivers near here that are popular with tubers over Memorial Day. I probably could have crossed the river without getting wet by using them as support. It was crazy. Pictures from Padre Island were standing room only and that's huge beach, mile after mile of open beach. Weekends, the beach is to be avoided. Their hypocrisy knows know limits.
I have a rather long list of things I need from Home Depot. I guess those will wait a bit. At least until the dust is settled-see what I did there?
Happy Trails